Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Wake up and smell the coffee

Mike's going to language school, and I have an instructor who comes to my home (our picture is to the right). This morning we started our lesson with my instructor asking me a bazillion questions in the language I'm trying to learn. My job was to answer the questions. If I see the question written, I can sometimes "get it", but when it's entirely oral it is more difficult. I was completely stumped on one of the questions. I asked her to say it again. She did. I still didn't understand the question, so she repeated it a third time and even slower. I still didn't understand. No matter how slow you go, if you don't know the vocabulary words in the question, you'll never understand. My instructor stopped the lesson and told me to make myself some coffee. "Miss Lisa, please go make yourself some coffee." I really wasn't in the mood for hot coffe on a summer morning where the heat was already rising. "Please, Lisa, go make some coffee." I really didn't see how coffee was going to make me understand vocabulary words that were never in my brain to begin with. "Miss Lisa, you must drink some coffee. Please." Oh well. She really would not proceed with the lesson until I made myself some coffee. I made some, and it was actually pretty good. And believe it or not, I was more in the zone when I went back to the balcony.


teknopr1nce55 said...

Lisa, one secret i've found to cool off these mornings and still get the benefits of coffee is to make up a batch of coffee at night, pour it up into mugs [if you like sugar, add it now] and place the mugs in the fridge. in the morning, a nice cup of ICE cold coffee. just add milk! oh, and at least here with the humidity, i have to have a nice big coaster or else my snazzy table will have water rings galore! enjoy!

Ellie said...

Lisa I am so proud of you. What a good sport you are! I miss you so much...

Brandons said...

You're really more of a tea girl aren't you?