Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Diarrhea Worm

Emma's favorite book right now is Diarrhea Worm. Several times a day she asks Mike or me to read Diarrhea Worm. She knows it so well that she reads it by herself, and as she reads it she says Diarrhea Worm throughout the read. I'm curious what her 4-year old mind thinks the plot is about.


teknopr1nce55 said...

dude, your posts are gross
first ABC gum and now
Diarrhea worm?

[ps, it's a haiku just for you.]

Anonymous said...

Sounds like Dorrah. Before Easter she asked me, "When do I get to wear my Easter Egg Dress Up?" translation: When do I get to wear my Easter dress? Kimberly

Uncle Brad said...

My computer was slow opening your blog and all I saw was the post and not the picture. I'm sitting there wondering, what kind of children's book do they have in that country? I REALLY need to send them some new books....
Then, the picture popped up and I saw the title of the book.

So, inspired by teknopr1nce55...

Child book about runs?
Slow computer was to blame.
Not so confused now.
