Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Theatrical Debuts

The kids' school recently did the musical production of Annie. It was the theatrical debut for both girls! Abby was part of an orphan chorus, and Annie was Sandy the dog.

Annie had three shining moments in the play. She sang Tomorrow with the character Annie, she wandered alone across the stage, and in the grand finale she was presented to the character Annie as a Christmas present. She loved every single moment.

Abby's debut was singing Hard-Knock Life as part of the orphan chorus. This was a great experience for both girls, and Mike and I are personally looking forward to the day when they get tired of singing or listening to the songs from the musical!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We all know they know the words to "Hard-Knock Life" and we all know that Annie loves to sing, so I'm sure they were both AWESOME! We want the video!!! Uncle Brad