Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Seasonal Allergy Sufferers UNITE!

If you suffer from seasonal allergies like I do, this picture will probably make your head hurt and you feel like sneezing. It seems that the worldwide flower is the dandelion. It has followed us here and they are blooming everywhere. Emma still will not believe they are anything except a beautiful yellow flower. She also cannot accept that they make me sneeze. She told me yesterday, "Dad, flowers don't make you sneeze; cats DO!"


Anonymous said...

Mike, I feel for you! I feel much empathy for you all the way from Versailles....wait no...yes...no...yes...sorry that was a sneeze ;) Now I have to go and get a Kleenex and wipe my nose and eyes...Yes, everything is abloom here too and the allergy season is hideous. Take care. Hope you guys are doing well without Lisa. Kimberly

Anonymous said...

Oh - If it were ONLY the cats. But my itchy, red eyes say differently, Emma. Wishing you a pollen-free day!


LaDonna said...

Matthew came in the other day and ask how I liked his mustache I turned and looked to see two big dandelions sticking out of his nose. He now has a sore throat and a drippy nose. I wonder why? :)