Saturday, January 26, 2008

super duper trail mix oatmeal

This month is the time to serve this traditional cultural dish. We've had 2 neighbors bring it to our door, and it was served to me at a party today. It's part of the local culture and has to do with Noah's Ark. According to the origin of the dish, when the Flood subsided and Noah's ark landed on dry ground, they wanted to hold a celebration as an expression of gratitude towards God. The food storages on the boat were practically empty, so Mrs. Noah (I'm guessing it was her) took all the remaining ingredients and mixed them together in one pot. Waah-la...a new dish! It can have up to 15 ingredients in it. It's a sweet dessert, almost like a pudding. Some of the items in the bowl include rice, chickpeas, walnuts, raisins, white beans, dried apricots, pomegranate, peanuts, figs, sugar, and cinnamon. It tastes kind of like a trail-mix-on-steroids-kind-of-oatmeal. In all honestly, it's pretty good.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! That looks like a baby food. Speaking of baby food, Clay and I will be having a baby in September! :o)