Saturday, January 26, 2008

Meet the Turtles

Here's Annie's birthday present! She's been asking for turtles for some time, and so we took the plunge (pun intended) and got her these critters. These little guys are outlawed in the US, but here they're totally legal. So meet the 'lil outlaws. Annie named them Samson, Simon, and Peter. I hope this video doesn't take too long to download. It's just a slideshow of the outlaws.

P.S. For all you concerned ones out there, yes, we wash our hands after each handling. These outlaws have to stay in the aquarium almost all the time. They don't get much free play; they stay mostly behind bars.


Anonymous said...

Cow-a-bunga, Dude!! Drew thinks you should have gotten Annie four turtles and she should have named them Michaelangelo, Raphael, Donatello, and Leonardo... and feed 'em pizza!

Anonymous said...

Awww... They're so CUTE!! What are you all gonna do with them when u come back? Ru gonna b "turtle smugglers"? lol, jk! luv u gize!

Anonymous said...

I didn't know turtles were banned in the US? We have a guy down the street from us that sells turtles out of his truck... we call him the Turtle Man! - summer

Erin said...

your world cracks me up! I love that you've got legal/illegal pets in your household now.

Just one question -- how do you know a boy turtle from a girl turtle?

Lisa said...

To tell the truth, I don't think the guy at the pet store knew the difference between the male/female turtles. I said in my Tarzan speak "I don't want babies." I'm assuming that he understood that I meant the TURTLES, not ME. He kept saying to me, "Oh, they won't. They won't." If these reptiles have babies I guess we'll know we got a mixed bunch.