Sunday, March 23, 2008

eggs au natural

PAAS doesn't export to Asia. Still wanting to color Easter eggs, I resorted to the au natural dyes. Pomegranates, purple cabbage, tea, spinach, carrots, and plums were a few of our dyes. I first boiled the items in water for 30-40 minutes and then added vinegar to the water. Then, we added the boiled eggs to the chosen colored water. The purple cabbage and pomegranates gave the best color. The spinach water left a nasty slimy film on the eggs. The carrot mixture was pretty slimy as well. Green tea did nothing to the eggs. We had to leave the eggs in the colored water overnight because they took so long to stain (definitely a downer for kids who want to see quick results). The nasty vinegar spinach water left a nice smell in the fridge. So that's about it for the egg experiment. I miss PAAS! Hello, egg salad!
To explain the eggs on the left: the ones in the back are nasty, slimy spinach and carrot eggs. The decent green/purple one in the middle is the one David brought home from school (made with PAAS). The purple and blue ones are cabbage and pomegranate. The brown eggs are from regular tea. The stripes on some of the eggs are our feeble attempt at rubberbands and a tie-dye egg. These eggs look nothing like the ones we saw on the internet...the beautiful pink, yellow, and blue ones made from the same ingredients we used. Ours have character, though.


Anonymous said...

Ah, but isn't the quality of the color of your eggs, but the quality of the time you spent together. :) Just think about 20 years from now when you are at the Thanksgiving table with someone's fiancee/fiance and you begin to tell stories and the first egg dying experience without PAAS enteres the conversation and everyone has a good laugh.......Priceless. Kimberly

Anonymous said...

I LOVE them! I think you should go hug a tree, now! You know, before I had children, this is how I imagined I would do everything. No processed, all natural, 100% cotton, competely organic, nutrutious, environmentally friendly, biodegradable. Well, the kids came along and convenience prevails more times than not. Anyway, I am hitting the clearance tables for your egg stuff for next year. Don't will be filled with chemicals and all kinds of good stuff. Love ya - Sherry

Brandons said...

Who would have thought to pack Paas? Annie and Emma look happy so mission accomplished.

Anonymous said...

You definitely get an "A" for effort!