Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Game Farm meets Africa

Today Abby's class went to the zoo. It was the "Game Farm in KY meets Africa". So many of the animals in pens were KY wildlife. We saw deer, raccoons, dogs, wolves, turtles, cats, chickens, vultures, horses, and eagles all in cages. They also had the token lion and tiger, but for the most part, KY wildlife was the majority. I imagine the animals that live in North America seem exotic to them (or maybe their upkeep is cheaper). We got there following feeding time for the wolves, and they wolves were hauling around fresh meat and bones. The smell was disgusting! As we walked to the picnic area, two men were carrying live rabbits towards the lion cage. Thankfully we did not witness the lion's dinner, but the boys and girls said the man was going to feed the rabbits to the lion or tigers. On the bright side, there was a nice playground, and it was really cheap to get in. It cost each child approx. $1 for admission.


Anonymous said...

That's really a culture shocker! Do you all have zebras dead on the side if the road instead of deer?? JK. I'll bet you knew more about those animals than the zoo :)

Mrs. Debbie said...

Wow...Annie, we're getting ready to go to the zoo again in kindergarten here and I thought of you. I'm so glad you have a cool zoo to visit there. Do you have penguins?