Tuesday, April 17, 2007

I Will Survive

The first Friday night we were here, we went bowling with some friends. As we entered the bowling alley, the song I Will Survive was playing over the loud speaker. I found that hilarious yet fitting. I couldn't understand any signs around me or what people were saying, and I Will Survive was the blaring song in the bowling alley. The DJ interspersed English songs with songs in the national language.
While at the bowling alley, Abby and Emma went to the public restroom. This restroom had a western toilet, but the flushers are different than flushers in the states. Abby couldn't figure out how to flush the potty. In this country, the flusher is on the top of the toilet (and she knows how to push or pull the flusher), but this public toilet had the flusher on the wall. Abby saw a thing on the floor that looked like the flusher, so she pushed it. Emma was standing in front of the commode, and she got absolutely soaked!!! Abby pushed a button for the bidet. Emma got absolutely drenched, and she didn't see it coming!!! She screamed louder than I knew 4-yr. olds could scream; that needed no translation for anyone around. We had to strip her down and let her wear Mike's coat. Oh the joys of foreign toilets. I Will Survive is now Emma's theme song, too!


Anonymous said...

This is the funniest story. I'm sure she will be laughing about this for years once she gets over the traumatic stress. JHill

Alys said...

Precious story!!! I can see Emma's precious face now! Thanks for that laugh!!! Miss you guys!