Sunday, April 22, 2007

Fast Food

I've had a number of people ask me about the food here, so I took some pictures when we went out to eat today. The food on the left has been my favorite dish (so far). It is chicken with tomato sauce that is served in a stone baking dish. It comes to the table sizzling. To me it tastes something like chicken cattiatore. It also comes with some flat bread, and I scoop some chicken yummy stuff onto my bread. There is always a long, green grilled pepper that is placed on top of the dish. I've not been brave enough to eat it yet.
The dish on top is like a pizza without pizza sauce. It comes in all varieties: cheese only, cheese and olives, cheese and chicken, etc. The kids' favorite is the hamburger one. They absolutely love it. If you look closely at the picture, there are three layers of this pizza-like dish, so one order can easily feed 3 children. Each of these dishes costs about $4.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Um...yummy.....How about inviting me over for lunch?????? Looks like you are being well fed, so we don't have to worry about that!! So glad that you are adapting well. Food is so important. :) Kimberly