Sunday, August 31, 2008


My baby starts kindergarten tomorrow. After 12 years of being blessed to stay home with our 4 children, a new phase of life starts for all of us. So tonight as I was tucking Emma in bed, we had the following conversation:

ME: Emma, you're starting kindergarten tomorrow, and I will be praying for you all day. Is there anything special you want me to pray for?

EMMA: Yeah, I have this problem. When I blink I can't see.

ME: You mean you can't see when you blink? That's what you want me to pray for?

EMMA: Yeah, I think I may need glasses. But I don't need surgery.

ME: How about if you just don't blink?

EMMA: No, that's too hard. Good night, mom.

This conversation reminded me of 2 other recent Emma-isms. Just the other day we were going out on the town and we were going to do a lot of walking. I wanted the kids to wear good shoes with some socks. So, Emma came out of her room sporting her crocs. I know crocs are comfortable, so I didn't mind, but I thought socks might be a good idea since pebbles get lodged into crocs. Here was the conversation:

ME: Emma, we're going to do a lot of walking. You should wear some socks with those crocs.

EMMA: I am. They're invisible.

ME: Emma, without socks your feet will hurt after a while.

EMMA: Mom, I'm wearing my invisible socks. You just can't see them.

That response was so quick and witty that I actually let her get away with it. We went out, and she did not give one complaint the entire day. The invisible socks were amazing!

Emma said one other thing recently that cracked us all up at the dinner table. We were discussing the possibility of going to London one day. Emma's response: "If we go to London, do we have to use that English accident?"

See why I'm going to miss having my baby around all day???


Anonymous said...

I can't believe it's time for Emma to head to Kindergarten - seems like she just arrived.
The years go by so quickly...hang on - high school & college are right around the corner! ;o)
Love ya'll,
Kim L.

Brandons said...

Yeah, but we've been missing having her around for more than a year now!

Anonymous said...

How funny....I have a child just like that. Nathan says the funniest things that sometimes I just have to shake my head and laugh. A year or so ago, the kids would always go to bed before the show "Survivor" would come on. Well, Nathan did NOT want to go to bed so he kept yelling: "I want to watch Screwdriver!!!!"
I love getting your newsletters. I think about you all a lot. Thanks for including me in your life!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh, these made me LOL!!! Let's just hope she doesn't use her creative wit so well when she's trying to convince you why she's out past curfew as a teen. :-)

Anonymous said...

Hey, How did the first day go? Dorrah LOVED her first day and every day since. Last year when the other kids got on the bus and she couldn't she just about cried. This year when she got on the bus, she was grinning from ear to ear and waving furiously at me. She couldn't wait for the bus to leave. She told me that she had been waiting to ride the bus for an entire year! Kimberly