Thursday, August 14, 2008


Many of you know that my mother has Alzheimer's Disease. Many of you, too, have a loved one who is affected by this disease. I want to share a clip with you about a man named Robertson McQuilkin. His wife also had Alzheimer's Disease, and the following clip is a small part of his story. His story is being told by Dennis Rainey, host of Family Life Today.


Anonymous said...

Wow, all I can say is wow. How touching. Every couple considering marriage should have to watch this. Thsnks for sharing this, LaDonna

Anonymous said...

Very interesting. I have used McQuilkin's Understanding and Applying the Bible for several years and never knew much about the man outside of his writting in that book.

Very touching example.

Anonymous said...

WOW. Very touching. I will share with share this with Brian!
Thanks for sharing with us.
Carrie S.