Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Our First International Wedding

This past weekend afforded us our first invitation to a wedding in our city! Can you believe we forgot to recharge the camera? Anyway, we were very excited as we went to meet friends until I (Mike) hit a parked car!!! (That is a whole different blog you will not find here, OK?) As it turns out, God's sense of humor allowed the parked car to belong to the man who pierced the girls' ears (see story below). After a trip to the body shop, we were off to the wedding.

The men and women sat in separate areas the whole evening at an event similar to a reception. Here is the funny part, though: my new friend introduced me to over 100 people using pretty much the same story after my language skills ran dry. It went like this, "Yes, he is from America. He is my friend; I met him yesterday at the park. We were late because Mike had an accident. He has this BIG van and it will cost him lots of money to fix the other car!" At this point, the men would start laughing hysterically in my direction as the pointed fingers, spilled their tea, spit out their water, drop their cigarette, or slap me on the back to hold themselves up. I just wish my language skills were as good as my laughing-at-myself skills!!!

It was quite an honor to add so much life to the party.


Anonymous said...

Mike and Lisa, I have greatly enjoyed your update as to how the other side of the world lives. You are in our thoughts often. Please tell the girls and David, Brian, Katherine and I said hello.
Carrie Spellman

The Helgren Family said...

hey family!
so glad to see that all is well in your world! had to laugh at this blog entry because i am attending my first one this weekend as well!!! we miss you all and are praying!!!
the helgren's