Monday, August 6, 2007

2 Old Men..I Mean, 2 Old Friends!!!

Last week was one I had been looking forward to for over a month. We had been talking with friends since June about the possibility of them coming to visit. Our plans became a reality last Tuesday afternoon when they drove to stay for a few nights. Thankfully, they were here BEFORE our water was turned off for 2 days!
This is my friend and me in front of a Gulliver's Travel scene at a local park. (Yes, that is his son over my right shoulder giving us both rabbit ears.) What this statue is doing here is beyond me, but we just wanted to do something fun with our families. Our friends have a son and 3 girls as well, but the biggest difference in our families is they will be expecting #5 in October! And, no, we will not be trying to catch up so our families will be the same again! We will just celebrate with them and cheer them on! We are such good friends that I even shared Twizzlers and Skittles with them! Seriously, I hope all of you are blessed like me to have a friend who knows all there is to know about you...and loves you anyway!

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