Thursday, November 22, 2007

Wii boxed after the meal

After we had desserts, we broke out the Wii. It's an interactive video gaming system that allows the player to control the moves with his/her body. We started a round of boxing, and this little petite friend from South Carolina who's not aggressive at all said she'd be willing to box someone. Knowing she'd be such an easy target, I volunteered to get in the ring with her. Well, after the match she confessed to me that she has a kick-boxing DVD. She conveniently left out those details before I Wii-ed her in boxing. We had a group of wild Americans cheering us on, and all were impressed at how the 'lil South Carolinan whipped up on me. I got a knock-out punch in the third round. Here's a picture of us boxing with Wii. As you can tell, I'm dodging a punch and her right hook was so fast she's just a BLUR in the picture. I know never to mess with this gal again. I will always stay on her good side.

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