Monday, January 19, 2009

Bus service

This morning the bus was late to pick up the kids. David used the intercom system to ask if I'd drive them to school if the bus didn't come soon. I told him to wait 5 more minutes. After 5 minutes transpired, I looked out the window and the bus must've come because they were not there.

Tonight at dinner I found out what happened. The bus driver came to our street driving a taxi. He told the kids, "My car broken" complete with hand signals. My = pointing to self. Broken = 2 hands together and pretend to break a stick. So the kids piled into a small taxi. Then he went on to complete the route in his taxi. He loaded 8 kids in the taxi and headed to school. So the kids went to school squished in a taxi driven by the bus driver because the bus was broken. I had no idea.

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