Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Eve Snow

The past few days have been cold and rainy. It's been hovering at 33 and 34 degrees. I selfishly prayed that the temperature would drop just a few degrees. There are very few signs of Christmas, only what's in our hearts and homes. So I knew God could make a little snow and give us a beautiful decoration.

With school out I've been sleeping in a bit (thanks to my sweet hubby). The day finally came that I thought would never come - the kids are learning the art of sleeping in, too (until 8:00 anyway). This morning I woke up around 8:00. I stayed in bed and whispered some morning prayers while under the cozy covers. As Annie bounced in my room around 8:30, she slung open my curtains. While we were sleeping, about 2-3 inches of snow covered the ground. It wasn't long before the kids were rolling around in it. Here are a few pictures of our first snow...on Christmas Eve nonetheless.


Sara Campbell said...

Cute Pictures, Wolfzorns! p.s. Ross loves the book. Yahoo!

Anonymous said...

that's AWESOME! You all have fun! It's a balmy 50 degrees back here in KY, and the rain just stopped about an hour ago. "I'm dreaming of a muddy Christmas!"