Friday, October 3, 2008


I've got this little petpeeve about sticky things on the windowshield of cars I drive. I don't like them. I had a parking sticker thing in college, and it took me forever to get all that sticky residue off the windshield. Well, last school year at Emma's preschool I was required to have one of those sticky things on the windowshield of our car. Without it we would not be allowed to enter. So, I had no choice. But I DID have a choice on how much sticky I'd allow on the windshield. I had a brainchild. Instead of peeling the back off the sticky thing, I took some packaging tape from the house. I placed packaging tape on the back of the sticker and then applied it to the windshield. I figured once the school year was over it would peel right off and I'd have no sticky residue to mess with. So, here's a picture of our windshield now that I took the packaging tape off the windshield. Notice the nice clear square where the sticky thing would've been. Any suggestions?


Anonymous said...

Use nail polish remover or that lemon scented stuff they put on your hands on the bus. That lemon stuff takes off just about everything

Anonymous said...

Don't know if you can get Goo Gone or Goof Off there, but it works wonders. Lighter fluid will also do the trick (have used this myself). I've also been told that if you heat it with a blow dryer, it will make it come-off-able. Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Vegetable oil gets the sticky off of new picture frames - maybe it will help here!

Mona Phelps

Anonymous said...

I have had good luck with Rubbing alcohol... I have some kids that loved stickers when they were young.

Anonymous said...

That was a big sticker so it might take some time but how about a razor blade? .........Ok, after I typed that I looked online (many matches for "how to remove sticker residue") although they're usually referring to small price tags. Uncle Brad

Anonymous said...

Is this Mike or Lisa? Not that it matters, I just wanted to know whose brilliant idea this was! haha! You know I love you both!
I would go with the alcohol. Tried and true.
Love- Sherry