Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Mama Midnight

Our street has enough cats to populate a small town in Kentucky. Most of these are street cats, but our neighbors across the street have a really sweet cat that our kids call Midnight. Several weeks ago Midnight, who the kids always thought was a boy, had kittens. The kittens stay inside the house, but they've just recently worked up enough courage to peek outside. I love the first picture of the curious kitten and the second picture of Midnight being a good mama and watching her baby.

With the birth of the kittens the usual barrage of questions has begun..."Daddy, why do you have to be allergic to cats?" "Can we keep him? We promise we'll keep him on the balcony." And on the upside of having the Stray Cat Strut lived out on our street, I've yet to encounter one rodent anywhere. Go, cats!

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