Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Pumpkin Carving Party

Lisa here. It's time to try my online wit once again. So, I'm going to tell the story of our Pumpkin Carving Party through a series of pictures.

A fun thing about living overseas with other Americans is you feel a unique bond when American holidays roll around. Some friends of ours who have access to the base commissary hosted a Pumpkin Carving party. They bought over 30 orange pumpkins for us to carve. We can get pumpkins here, but they're a grayish-green color. So, here's our Pumpkin Carving Party.

Doesn't Mike look in the fall festival mood in his beautiful orange coat? Lookin' good, honey!

The best part about pumpkin carving.

Annie and a buddy with her "Angry W Eyebrow" pumpkin.

David and his buddies and their vomiting pumpkin.

We can't get Dr. Pepper or Root Beer here, so this refrigerator was a rare sight for us. Yeah, I took a picture of soft drinks.

After the pumpkin carving, we played a game. Each child received a number, and he/she got to pick an American goody. Our friends who hosted the party have access to the base commissary, and they stocked their home with American goodies.

Good choice, son! David picked 2 cans of icing, orange extract, food coloring, and pumpkin tins for baking cakes. Wow. I was impressed with his choice. The next day we made 2 pumpkin cakes with orange-flavored icing!

Abby's choice was a jumpy spider. Didn't she see the Boo Berry cereal??? Or the Franken Berry cereal??? Where have I gone wrong? A jumpy spider?

Once Annie and Emma saw how cool the jumpy spider was, they BOTH chose jumpy spiders as well. That's a total of 3 jumpy spiders in our house. Didn't they see the fruit roll ups???

After the game was over, Annie changed her mind. She traded her jumpy spider for the Ooz'n Eyeballz. Did I mention there was brownie mix up for grabs, but they chose the jumpy spiders?

After lamenting my girls' poor choices for jumpy spiders, a friend brought me a box of Boo Berry cereal the next day. I don't deserve such friends!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Is it time for a care package with fruit roll ups, brownie mix and cereal??

Joe thought you might want a box full of jumpy spiders.

Let us know and we can hook you up!

Jen and Joe Jenkins