Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day (A Poem by Annie)

With a house full of bookworms, Dr. Seuss happens to be a frequent
favorite book to read. So, partly inspired by Dr Seuss and partly by
Shel Silverstein, Annie decided to wax poetic for my Father's Day
present. Enjoy!

Father's Day, Father's Day, it used to be on the way.
But now I'm really glad to say that Father's Day is today!!

Father's Day is super cool, we might even go to the swimming pool!
The only other rhyming word is mule! (spelled "muel" by Annie)

Father's Day, Father's Day, it used to be on the way.
I'm really glad it's not in May 'cause I'm glad Father's Day is today.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It looks as though you have a budding poet! The poem was great.