Sunday, June 22, 2008

David is 12

David turned 12 last week. In honor of his birthday, I'm interviewing him:
1. Favorite food - "Steak, the kind in America."
2. Most boring thing to do - "Nothing."
3. Favorite fruit - "Star fruit"
4. Favorite sport - "Football"
5. What do you think about Michael Jackson? - "Do I have to answer that?"
6. Morning or Night person - "Both"
7. Food you miss from America - "Steak"
8. Favorite subject - "Math"
9. Favorite ride - "Vortex at King's Island"

David is short and to the point on most things. Since he did not elaborate on his questions and gave such vague answers to a slew of other questions I asked but did not print, I thought I'd make a few observations of my own. David is a saver. He saves his allowance and calculates carefully before buying. David is a builder. He creates magnificent things with legos. David is a neattie. He does not have clutter in his room and I rarely have to ask him to clean it. David is a chef. He has cooked entire meals and really enjoys working with me in the kitchen. David is a writer. He has written a novel that is over 70 pages long. David is easy-going and goes with the flow. We rarely hear a complaint from this sweet son. At the age of 10 he moved across the world, and he rarely ever complains about the vast differences or inconveniences. He's easy to love and quick to smile. And even though he said the word "Elmo" before he said "Mommy", I love him with every ounce in my being.
For David's birthday we took him and 9 friends to a local park. They rode go karts, played soccer, had a picnic, played football (which drew admiration from onlooking nationals), and then rode some rides similar to ones at a county fair. Here are a few pictures from the big day.


Bteacher99 said...

Happy Late Birthday David!
How did you convince your parents to let you ride the "tower of death"-looking thing? I sure did enjoy seeing the pictures, though! Ms. M

Anonymous said...

loved to hear about david through mom!! love to you all...
marni baggett
(happy belated bday!)