Sunday, June 22, 2008

Life is just a ...

Life is just a ...

Sorry. I just couldn't resist. The cherries are now in season, and we are fully enjoying them. I've learned the hard way that there are 2 kinds of cherries: the sweet kind you eat right off the stem and the super duper sour ones that only the brave at heart eat raw. We have been enjoying both, and the kids' faces were priceless when they unknowingly bit into the sour ones.

The picture above is the super sour ones that are unbelievably delicious when cooked with twice as much sugar and placed in a pie, cobbler, or jam. I went to the open air fresh fruit market today and bought 2 kilos (I'm telling you how many pounds that is...waa haa haa haa) for about 3 dollars. Cha-ching! Last week I made a bunch of cherry jam, and it rocks! Now before you think I'm just really ambitious, I'll have to tell you the jam thing is mainly inspired by my pocketbook (as my Grandmother Tuggle would say). Jam or jelly is around $6 a jar, so even the simplest of minds (yours truly) can do the math on that.

Emma is carefully holding the sour cherry. It's not coming near her mouth.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A kilo is about 2.2 pounds.
A former Math teacher,
Tina K.