Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Add haircut to the list

I'm a list person. I have a lot to do today, so last night before I went to bed I made out my list. There are about 15 things on that list, and I fully intend on accomplishing every one. Well, about mid-morning Mike asked for a haircut. Knowing it wasn't on my list, but also knowing if he didn't get one today it would be a while, we set up the bathroom for a "shave and a haircut 2 bits" (minus the shave). Mopping the bathroom floor was also on the list, but I'd have to do it after the haircut. 30 minutes later when the cut was complete, I'm almost embarrassed to admit what I did. I went to my list and wrote "Give Mike a haircut" and then I put a check mark beside it. I'm not sure about the rationale behind that, but it gave me a sense of satisfaction to check it off.


Anonymous said...

LOL - a woman after my own heart! (I just gotta call you soon!!)


Anonymous said...

Don't feel like the Lone Ranger. I am also a "list person" and I do this all the time.

Anonymous said...

Linda Campbell and I just talked about this! I admitted that I do it, and then she fessed up!She had called me about something and I called her back. As we were talking, I said, "Hold on a minute, I have to write on my list that I need to call you so that I can scratch it off." Silence. Silence. Then she says, "I thought I was the only person that did that." We cracked up! You have to take your little victories any way you can! Sherry

Morello Madness said...

That's beautiful! I can so relate! I have been known to do the same!

We love y'all!

Penny said...

Oh, I have SO done this!!!! List makers unite!