Thursday, January 3, 2008

First Snow

We had our first snow of the season today, and since the kids were out of school we were able to kick it off with an all-out snowball fight with several other families. There were about 20 of us in all. It was guys against girls, and now that David is a 6th grader, he and his friends are actually just as dangerous, if not more than adults. My friend received an injury to the chin from a snowball from my son and an another injury to her leg by a dad tackling another boy. I got a pretty good pelt from a 6th grade boy who excels in baseball under my chin. The dads played nasty and put snowballs down people's shirts. We played in the snow for a couple of hours. Then, we went ice skating and made fools of ourselves at the ice rink! It really was a super fun way to kick off the first snow of the season. I need some marshmallows for my hot chocolate!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, we had our first snow here too! It wasn't nearly as good as your snow though. Sam and Thomas were playing in the remaining slush today and knocked each other down into the wetness. Thomas has scratches on his face from his little encounter. Gotta love it :) Glad to know that you guys are enjoying your break from school. Take care! Love YA bunches :) Kimberly