Friday, November 9, 2007

The Sign

Last weekend, Lisa and I went out to a very nice restaurant to celebrate being together and our old Kentucky home finally selling! After eating at a great little restaurant, we walked around to take in some sights and sounds in a new part of town. At the end of the evening, as we were walking back, we passed by a lady who was closing up a small store. She was having trouble getting the door to close. She was slamming and pulling harder and harder. On the 4th or 5th slam, the sign above the door actually FELL off the building and hit her in the head. She was not very happy but thankfully was OK.
I knew it had been a few weeks since we had been on a date, but I don't remember seeing that before!! Maybe it was a "sign" that we should go out more often. (Rim shot please!!) If you have any strange date experiences, please email and we will post the winning story on our blog (with your permission). And, yes, we can change the names to protect the innocent!!

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